Are there more or less errors than last week?

11 October 2021
by Billy Czajkowska

Understanding your data is easy but first you need to log into the Little Forest platform using your email and password.
Log In Here

Then their are a couple of different ways to see how your errors have changed:

Option 1:
If you click on the score:

You can see what has changed from week to week.
E.g. here you can see a red down arrow showing that the score went down for the ‘Broken Links’ this week. Which means we found more errors than the previous scan:

Option 2:
The ‘Issues to Fix’ shows red and green arrows showing if there are more or less errors compared to the last scan:
HOT TIP – The colour and direction of the arrow show if it is a positive or negative change. No arrow means no change. 

Option 3:
You can also look at the graphs for the ‘Issues to Fix’ to see the history or every error type:

For additional help understanding your errors and progress, please email; [email protected]