Quickly assess your cookie compliance. Get all the information you need to improve both the security and performance of your site. Make sure your site meets GDPR, EPD and CCPA requirements and gain vital trust with your users. ePrivacy has never been more important. Keep ahead of your competitors and don’t allow unauthorised cookies affect your brand and user experience with a Little Forest Cookie Audit.
Security, Privacy & Trust
Establishing trust with your users is essential to good user experience. Ensure your site’s cookies are secure and meet compliance so that your users feel safe and confident in your brand. Users online are becoming more tech savvy and conscious of ePrivacy. Stand out from your competitors and make sure your site is one your users feel protected by.
Cookie Auditing
Track down every cookie on your site with one simple scan. Get complete visibility of which cookies you have, their settings, where they are located and their average load speeds. Every cookie whether it be first or third party provided must be compliant, the only way to truly be confident in compliance is with a cookie registry which you can evaluate as an organisation and monitor regularly.

Having fast website performance means being cookie smart. Your cookies get transmitted with each domain request which means extra data and slower loading responses. Eliminating unnecessary cookies and evaluating the size and age of your cookies is essential to improving and maintaining your website’s performance quality.
GDPR Ready
With organisations now being held accountable for their users’ privacy making sure your site meets the required cookie regulations; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ePrivacy Directive (EPD) & California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) should be critical. From prohibiting pre-set cookies and pre-ticked checkboxes, to asking for specific authorisation and secure data storage, cookie compliance can be incredibly complex. Knowing you have captured every cookie through Little Forest’s cookie audit will help you ensure compliance across every cookie on your site.
Unauthorised Cookies
Cookies are an incredibly insightful business tool which can give invaluable data on your user behaviour and improve the user experience of your site. However, they can also in some cases violate key privacy and security requirements. Organisations who do not regularly track their cookies may have legacy cookies they are unaware of. Third party cookies can be changed without prior notice, or if not secure could be hacked which means having them on your site puts users at risk. Eliminate security weaknesses with a complete cookie audit.