Get accessible with Little Forest accessibility. Ensure your sites are working towards WCAG web accessibility best practices with easy to utilise automated reporting. Simple uniform usability and inclusive access for everyone. Get clean code across your web estate which gives the highest quality user experience and brand protection. Web accessibility isn’t just for people with disabilities, it is an initiative to improve the quality of the internet for every single user.
Accessibility Audit
The Little Forest accessibility audit gives you the full picture, scanning every; website, URL and component in your web estate. Be confident in which errors, warnings and notices are present, where those issues are and how they are affecting your users, in order to get an accessibility strategy together for your organisation. With suggested fixes and detailed code examples on how to fix each issue, getting compliant has never been easier.

On Page Accessibility View
Little Forest presents all of your site errors in a market leading on page view, you can see every visual error and warning in context of the page. We pinpoint the error, give you a full description of what the error is and simple examples of how to fix each error. We also split up the errors into guideline categories to make it easy for you to delegate tasks across different teams including; headings, contrast, link text, labels & image alt text. You can also view and review all of your ARIA landmarks and use the screen reader to get a new perspective on your site.

Web Accessibility Standards
Little Forest supports scanning across all major international accessibility standards including; ADA and Section 508. Monitor across all levels of WCAG compliance from A (low), AA (standard), to AAA (the gold standard). With AA being the legal requirement for most organisations we make it really simple to configure your reporting to focus only on the errors, warnings and notices related to AA. With accessibility standards constantly changing Little Forest are dedicated to keeping your reporting up to date with what’s new.

Progress & Achievement
Success made visible. Track your accessibility progress and demonstrate your achievements to key stakeholders. Reaching compliance is a process which takes time and being able to demonstrate progress is an incredible resource to keeping teams motivated and your digital strategy goals relevant. Review the history of your; whole web estate, a single site, a page or even an error type. Your organisation’s progression recognised and documented.

The Big Picture
Prioritisation is the key to efficiently tackling your accessibility. Get a rolled up view which gives you an overall figure of all your errors, warnings and notices. You can look at which errors are repeated the most and make sure these quick wins are tackled first to make the biggest impact. Understand the state of your accessibility, put together a plan and make AA achievable for your organisation.

Need more help getting your organisation accessibility ready? We have a full menu of accessibility workshops available in addition to the tool.