Set Extended Attribute for LiveSite Components

22 December 2008
by Billy Czajkowska

When copying over components from one environment to another, you loose the extended attribute which recognises the component as a Interwoven LiveSite component.  Below is how you would set the extended attribute, so that LiveSite recognises the component.
On command line or in a script you would need to execute the following;
iw-home/bin/iwextattr -s TeamSite/LiveSite/Type=component “hostname/iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1
cd iw-home/bin/
iwextattr -s TeamSite/LiveSite/Type=component “hostname/iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1
– For Solaris or Linux, if you get to iw-home/bin,  you would place ./ in front of iwextattr
iw-home = TeamSite Install Directory
hostname = Server/Host name
/iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1 = Example of a component stored in the shared workarea under components branch

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