When copying over components from one environment to another, you loose the extended attribute which recognises the component as a Interwoven LiveSite component. Below is how you would set the extended attribute, so that LiveSite recognises the component.
On command line or in a script you would need to execute the following;
iw-home/bin/iwextattr -s TeamSite/LiveSite/Type=component “hostname/iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1”
cd iw-home/bin/
iwextattr -s TeamSite/LiveSite/Type=component “hostname/iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1”
– For Solaris or Linux, if you get to iw-home/bin, you would place ./ in front of iwextattr
– iw-home = TeamSite Install Directory
– hostname = Server/Host name
– /iwadmin/main/livesite/component/WORKAREA/shared/component1 = Example of a component stored in the shared workarea under components branch