IWADSI error in iwtrace.log

9 December 2008
by Billy Czajkowska

I was recently involved in a project where I was getting a constant error message appearing in my iwtrace.log (iw-home/local/logs).

IWADSI::GetGC: ADsEnumerateNext failed: 0x1

IWADSI::Init failed to get pointer to GC root.

[Sun Oct 05 09:36:41 2008] EnumerateOSGroups: Failed to initialize IWADSI

I was looking up reasons and solutions for the error, and found the below;
The error is caused by an attempt to run TeamSite on an NTLM domain. TeamSite no longer supports NTLM domains: you must run TeamSite on a Windows 2000 or later (Active Directory) domain.
Add your TeamSite server to a Windows 2000 or later (Active Directory) domain then the error messages should go away.
Also, it is recommended to add the line set domain_list=<DomainName>
under the [iwserver] section of iw.cfg,
located in iw-home/etc.
<DomainName> is the list of domains not including the local machine name the local machine name. If domain_list is incorrect, then you will see a variety of error messages in the iwtrace.log (mostly referencing ADSI problems) and possibly even a server crash.

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