IW Bulk File Update & Checking Scripts

23 July 2008
by Billy Czajkowska

The following (simple) scripts may be of use.
You can use them to query the status, and update the general purpose XSL files (e.g. myTemplate.xsl)
This is handy as the files have to be copied to 3 locations. Instead :-
1) Copy the file into your home dir on the UNIX box using FileZilla.
2) Then run the scripts (from your home dir) as per below to check timestamps,
or update the files (note that there is no backup taken)
> more ls-templates.sh
echo $1
ls -las /usr/iw-home/local/config/lib/content_center/livesite_customer_src
ls -las /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/iw-preview/WEB-INF/classes/com
ls -las /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/content_center/WEB-INF/classes/com
> more update-templates.sh
echo $1
cp $1 /usr/iw-home/local/config/lib/content_center/livesite_customer_src/etc/conf
cp $1 /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/iw-preview/WEB-INF/classes/com
cp $1 /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/content_center/WEB-INF/classes/com
> ./update-templates.sh myTemplate.xsl
> ./ls-templates.sh myTemplate.xsl
18 -rw-r–r– 1 root root 8459 Jul 23 13:52 /usr/iw-home/local/config/lib/content_center
18 -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 8459 Jul 23 13:52 /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/iw-preview
18 -rw-r–r– 1 root root 8459 Jul 23 13:52 /usr/iw-home/httpd/webapps/content_center

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