Useful TeamSite 6.7.1 URL Commands

18 July 2008
by Gavin Colborne

TeamSite 6.7.1 has some nice new URL Commands that give quite a detailed view of various elements in the tool:
The master list of these can be found by placing the following in the browser address bar, replacing ‘servername‘ with the name of your TeamSite server.
The Master List
URL to use:
This command shows the below and very long list..
Command Descriptors
I have picked out a few useful examples below from the above master list:
Show Performance
URL to use:
Returns the below results:
Returned inline tests
JSP Snoop
URL to use:
This command returns useful environment information just like ‘show_env.cgi’ does:
JSP Snoop Page
Show Loggers
URL to use:
Returns the below type results to the browser
Loggers returned results
The above allows you visual easy control of the log4j level settings on all the objects in TeamSite. Remember to always check this is in ‘default’ setting when running the server under Production so as to not add unnecessary overhead to the system.
There are lots of other commands, use the master list mentioned first in this article to play around and find the others you like.
The below are some further useful ones:

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