Server XML Munger Error

9 September 2008
by Gavin Colborne

If you see the below in the “servletd_out.log” then you need to run a Make Toolkit with the “Clobber” parameter to clear out the Content Centre application and then you need to run a standard “Make Toolkit” as follows:
Change Directory using:
“cd /iw-home/local/config/lib/content_center/customer_src”
issue the command “/iw-home/bin/make_toolkit.ipl -target clobber”
Wait for this to complete and then issue the command /usr/iw-home/bin/make_toolkit.ipl

     [exec] BUILD FAILED
     [exec] /usr/iw-home/install/livesite/post-install-webapp-livesite.xml:191:
     Could not create task or type of type: serverxmlmunger.
     [exec] Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon

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