Questions to ask when starting an Interwoven Upgrade Project

5 November 2010
by Gavin Colborne

The below is a first stab at the kind of high level information you require at the start of an Interwoven Upgrade project.
– Why are you doing the upgrade? What are the main drivers and benefits?
– What are the project timelines? Is there a “drop dead” date?
– What is the project budget and where are the perceived risks to exceeding this?
– How many people in the technical team for the Upgrade? Are their roles clearly defined?
– What versions of software are you currently using for TeamSite, LiveSite, OpenDeploy etc?
– What versions are you planning to upgrade to for each of the above?
– What other new products are you planning to introduce?
– Which other software platforms do you integrate with? Examples are Websphere, Weblogic, Sharepoint…
– What operating system is in use, including the version?
– Where are the current user profiles stored? Is it locally to the server or in LDAP or Active Directory?
– How many users are there in the current system? Please group them into “frequent users” and “occasional users”.
– Is the TeamSite backing stored going to be “migrated” or can the Editions simply be copied over for each branch to the new server?
– Where is the data stored? Is it in a database, filesystem or both?
– What do the current workflows do at a high level?
– What do the current deployments do? Are database deployments involved?
– What do the current data capture forms do? Any particular features of interest such as database callouts and use of?

– What customisations are required for TinyMCE or Visual Format Editor?
– What customisations have been done or are planned for the User Interface?
– Do you currently have any scheduled nightly or weekend tasks that run on the servers?

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