Why Web Governance Tools are Important for the Whole Team

12 August 2019
by Billy Czajkowska

Head of Digital

The primary responsibility of any Digital Manager is to be the organisations leading expert on the quality of it’s digital estate. To not only lead digital strategy to the future but also make sure all existing and legacy content is up to web governance standard. They are the link between digital teams, marketing teams, design teams and 3rd party agencies to ensure strategy synchronicity.

In order to achieve this accurate understanding of the site Digital Managers will call on Web Governance Tools which work by crawling the source code and picking up errors and compiling an inventory of the assets and components found.

By working with Digital Managers Little Forest have been able to customise the tool to help  understand websites at a glance, with an all in one governance index score and site comparison dashboards. Digital Manager instantly understand if they are meeting brand, security and compliance standards and can monitor the full web estate.

Digital Executive

There are lots of names for this role from Digital Executives and Digital Analysts to Web Governance Administrators and Digital Service Delivery, however, the primary task of the team member is to action change to the digital estate, to improve Web Governance and Digital Quality.

If you imagine the size of some sites, manually sifting through each URL is not productive nor likely to be accurate. Web Governance tools put together everything you need to tackle errors head on, by showing you what the errors are and where they are referenced. By amending these challenges on the site, Digital Executives are improving the quality of the site for its users.

Little Forest provide scheduled and on demand reports which help Digital Executive’s monitor their progress and highlight their success to management. You can also integrate external tools like Google Analytics to compare how improved Web Governance has correlated with higher Organic Traffic, lower Bounce Rates and increased Goal Conversion.

Content Owner

Depending on the type of organisation there can be a whole pool of individuals posting content onto a website. For instance, the University and Higher Education sector which will have large numbers of content owners including; Teachers & Professors uploading changes daily. For them Web Governance is not the priority.

By giving Content Owners access to a tool which shows them the errors which they are creating it helps relieve some of the heavy lifting from the Digital Executives. Content Owners are not always technically specialised so using easy display dashboards and prompted issues to fix can be beneficial in helping them maintain their own content.

At Little Forest digital teams can add unlimited users to the tool without additional costs. This is because we believe that Web Governance is something that is far easier to achieve when you get everyone involved.

Contact us for a free demo for you & your team.

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