Setting Environment Variables

5 December 2008
by Billy Czajkowska

Setting Environment path variables allows a user to input on command line a Interwoven command line tool rather than also entering the path and the name of the command line tool
e.g. The TeamSite reset command is iwreset.  Without the environmental path variable set, the command on command prompt would be required to be inputted as;
With the Environmental path variable set, the command on command prompt would be inputted as;
iwreset (This could be from any location on the command line)
Setting Environment Variables

  1. Right Click ‘My Computer’.  You will see the properties option in the context menu.  Select this option
  2. A properties window will appear.  Select the ‘Advanced Tab’
  3. Now select the button ‘Environment Variables’
  4. A new window will appear displaying information regarding Environment Variables.  Scroll down to the option path under system variables.  Highlight this option by selecting it
  5. Select the edit option for the variable path
  6. A new window will appear.  This is the area where you add all the Interwoven Command Line Tools paths e.g C:/iw-home/bin.  For each path you add, you need to add a semicolon (;) at the end.  Thereafter you can enter the next path.Depending on the Interwoven Software, there are many Interwoven Command line tools which are in various paths. Entering them all here will save an abundance of time when using the command line for important commands
  7. Select ok, close all windows and reboot the server

You can now enter commands such as iwreset without paths on the command line

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