Understanding your online audience plays a huge role in monitoring your digital quality. Knowing which sites are performing best in your visitor KPIs, means you can take quality tips from those sites and strategise how to improve quality across the entire website estate, ultimately improving user engagement. Little Forest isn’t an analytics company which is why we integrate with Google Analytics to get you accurate expert data which we simplify for your users, helping you spot and resolve errors quicker and spot trends quickly across large web estates.
Single Site Insights
Little Forest plugs into the Google Analytics API ensuring you get real time results every time you access the report. Every site you add to the Little Forest platform can be connected to its own GA ID with graphics showing your users all the latest trends from; user visits and bounce rates to visits by channel. Rich user analytics data made simple with easy to read graphics to make the data accessible to every member of the team.

Google Analytics Across Multiple Sites
For organisations with large web estates made up of multiple sites it’s hard to make quick comparisons across sites using GA. Which is why Little Forest provides a custom view which presents all of your insights in one easy to filter and search table. Simply group your sites into a project and look at which are performing best and which require urgent attention.

Access to Insights
Access to data is the most important resource to every member on the digital team. However, giving every editor, owner and developer access to your Google Analytics may not be preferable to your organisation. By plugging in your GA to the Little Forest platform you are giving every member of your team access to data without any risk of user error. The data is also presented in easy to understand dashboards so they are easy to read for users without experience with GA.

Google Analytics Habits
Little Forest is not a replacement for your Google Analytics reporting but instead a flagging system for your users to spot challenges and monitor basic trends effortlessly. We are always striving to create the digital quality habit with users logging into the platform several times a week to track their sites. With more users seeing your GA analytics data on a daily basis you are more likely to spot and resolve an error as it arises, bringing additional security to your organisation.

One Platform
Little Forest understands that monitoring digital quality is different for every company, which is why we focused on building custom enterprise integrations based on our customers needs. The Google Analytics integration brings one more data source into your quality reporting minimising login fatigue and the need to consistently switch and login to multiple platforms.